La scuola allo stadio


One of the Club’s most important initiatives aimed at young people is La Scuola allo Stadio (“The School at the Stadium”). This is a socio-educational project promoted and organised by the Club, aimed mainly at primary and first-year secondary school students, whose educational value has been recognised for years by the National Observatory for Sporting Events of the Ministry of the Interior.

On October 9, the 22nd edition was presented: spanning from October 2024 to March 2025, this year's run will comprise 10 meetings.

The dates of the 22nd edition will be:
- October 11 2024: hosted by Gianpaolo Bellini
- October 18 2024: hosted by Matteo Ruggeri
- November 14 2024: hosted by U23s player Alberto Masi
- November 15 2024: hosted by Primavera player Gabriel Ramaj
- February 21 2025: hosted by Primavera player Mattia Tavanti
- March 7 2025: hosted by Primavera player Federico Simonetto
- March 20 2025: hosted by Primavera Player Nicolò Baldo
- March 21 2025: hosted by Primavera player Henry Camara
- March 27 2025
- March 28 2025


La Scuola allo Stadio was born in 2001, inspired by Lucia Castelli, a Youth Academy educator, and Stefano Bonaccorso, a former youth coach and now Head of Grassroots Football.

The objectives are the following:

  • To promote the collaboration between Atalanta and the school;
  • To highlight the educational and cultural value of football;
  • To get young people used to enjoying sporting events in a civilised way;
  • To help prevent violent behaviours and racism;
  • To promote peaceful coexistence and fair play among young people.
  • To prevent incidents of bullying (and cyberbullying).
  • To promote a healthy and mobile lifestyle
  • To raise awareness of environmental and social responsibility


It is a sport-educational project whose high educational value is also recognised by the National Observatory of Sports Events of the Ministry of the Interior.


On Thursday mornings, as has been the case for the last few years, during school hours, the young students of classes 4 and 5 of the primary school and classes 1, 2 and 3 of the secondary school (middle school) have the chance to live and experience for a day the emotions of the important sporting events that are usually held on Sundays. On arrival at the stadium, the students will be welcomed by the staff of La Scuola allo Stadio, who will guide them through seven different stages, ending with the discovery of little-known aspects of the world of football. The students will be guided by the competent staff, who will also use some fun tactics such as the “journey diary” (which will be given to each participant), a quiz game and the reading of some selected sports literature.


The visit is divided into 8 stages.

  • Step one: Visiting the stadium: from the entrance gate to the stands, from the dressing rooms to the pitch through the tunnel;
  • Step two: Running alongside the pitch.
  • Step three: The dugout – a special view.
  • Step four: Finally, match time.
  • Step five: Thinking about the social and cultural aspects of football;
  • Step six: Some considerations on the bond between football and social-environmental responsibility;
  • Step seven: Meeting and debating with an Atalanta player;
  • Step eight: Taking part in competitions.


There are three contests and prizes are awarded. Schoolchildren take part in these competitions, presenting their poems, slogans, videos, posters, photos, songs, music, graphic projects, drawings and art objects.

  • Atalanta: the mythology of the name.
  • My slogan against racism.
  • My slogan for fair support.
  • Teaming up against bullying and cyber-bullying


  1. Respecting the rules: ethics in sport.
  2. The stadium: a meeting place, not a battlefield.
  3. The DOs and DONTs of cheering.
  4. The true principles of the sporting lifestyle as a gateway to physical and mental well-being (from a joint venture with ATS Bergamo).
  5. The story of Atalanta (an exposition curated by the students of the Classical "P. Sarpi" High School of Bergamo;
  6. Sports journalism: the good and the bad.
  7. How to prevent bullying and cyberbullying through sport.
  8. Sustainability education with Prof. Giuliacci from Meteo Expert.


With the 22nd edition underway, 30,135 students from Bergamo schools (and not only from Bergamo) have participated in the project, along with 2,360 teachers and more than 170 university students.

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Atalanta – Sito ufficiale Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio