Nicolò Baldo hosting the 2024/25 “La Scuola allo Stadio” Round 7

Nicolò Baldo hosting the 2024/25 “La Scuola allo Stadio” Round 7

With over 220 pupils storming the stands at the Gewiss Stadium

For the seventh get-together of this season, the 22nd edition of "La Scuola allo Stadio" saw the Gewiss Stadium open its gates today, Thursday 20 March.

In addition to providing an exclusive walkabout of Atalanta's 'home', the "La Scuola allo Stadio" project is a socio-educational project that allows the attending students to delve into key topics such as good practices, healthy lifestyles, prevention against bullying and cyber-bullying, environmental sustainability education...

As the closing high of the visit, the over 220 students invited for the event had the chance to hold a meet-and-greet with Atalanta Primavera striker Nicolò Baldo.

More than 220 students from the elementary schools of Martinengo, Credaro, Ranica and Valnegra (Piazza Brembana) took part in the seventh appointment of this edition.

The eight session of "La Scuola allo Stadio" edition number 22 will take place on Friday 21st March.

For the seventh get-together of this season, the 22nd edition of "La Scuola allo Stadio" saw the Gewiss Stadium open its gates today, Thursday 20 March.
As the closing high of the visit, the over 220 students invited for the event had in fact the chance to hold a meet-and-greet with Atalanta Primavera attacker Nicolò Baldo.

Scuola allo StadioInitiativesGewiss Stadium2024/25 SeasonNicolò Baldo

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