Gewiss Stadium renovations

lavori gewiss stadium cover

The reconstruction of the Gewiss Stadium started officially on 6 May 2019 by building the new Curva Nord Pisani.
On 25 June 2020, with all the difficulties and limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the second phase of works began to renovate the Tribune which has access to Viale Giulio Cesare which is named now the Tribuna Rinascimento (Renaissance Tribune).
On 5 June 2023, the layout of the entire construction site for the new Curva Sud Morosini was mapped out and demarcated, marking the official start of the third phase of the stadium redevelopment.


The third stage of the redevelopment of the Gewiss Stadium was officially given the green light on the 5th of June 2023: the renovation will entail the Curva Sud Morosini, the Away Section and the Distinti Sud (in addition to the construction of the adjacent underground parking lot and all rated infrastructure works as per the implementing regulation).
On 5 June, the layout of the overall construction site was traced and delimited in the first hours of the morning.

Here you can watch the video compilation of the renovation works at the Gewiss Stadium.

Below is a snapshot taken on the 24th of November

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The reconstruction of the Tribuna Rinascimento officially started on 25 June 2020. The works were completed in less than four months, despite all the restrictions and problems related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the First team’s home matches behind closed doors, which ended the 2019-2020 Serie A campaign.
On 4 October, Atalanta played their first match of the 2020-2021 Serie A season at the Gewiss Stadium.
Atalanta faced Cagliari in the season opener, which the Nerazzurri won 5-2. In addition to the reconstruction of the Tribuna Rinascimento, the black and blue seats were installed in the Curva Sud Morosini: these and other works required by UEFA allowed the Gewiss Stadium to be approved to host Champions League matches.

Here is the video the covers the reconstruction of the Tribuna Rinascimento, which lasted from 25 June until 4 October.

Gewiss Stadium

Gewiss Stadium pronto per il debutto

Gewiss Stadium pronto per il debutto


The new Curva Nord Pisani officially made its debut on the 6th of October 2019, on the occasion of Atalanta’s match against Lecce.
It was a winning debut, as the Nerazzurri beat the Salentini side by 3-1.
The works officially closed at the end of November 2019 after the so-called finishing touches.

Here is the video that covers five intense months of redevelopment work, which lasted from 6 May (the official start date of the first phase of work) to 6 October!

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