Football Camp 2024: the recap of week 6

Football Camp 2024: the recap of week 6

Teaching football in four different sites

Week 6 of the 2024 Atalanta Football Camp gathered 260 odd attendees between boys and girls peppered throughout 4 hosting sites.

Aside from the Centro Bortolotti in Zingonia, activities took place in Bergamo (at the Imiberg High School), Calvenzano and once again for the third week in a row in Pioraco/Sefro, in the province of Macerata - where the Female Day Camp was also hosted.

As for Week 7, the second-to-last week of activities will take place in three locations: in addition to the Centro Bortolotti in Zingonia, hotspots have been appointed in Clusone and Zogno.

With enrollments still open for the closing week of the 2024 football camp to be hosted in Zingonia from 28/7 onwards, registrations can be carried out on the official webpage ATALANTACAMP.IT, where updates about available periods and locations will be posted regularly.

Atalanta Football Camp is a project created to provide all children, aged between 6 and 14, the chance to develop and hone their footballing skills under the guidance of trainers and educators directly from the black-and-blue Academy. As its format revolves around experiencing a first-hand account of how much fun learning football through a proper training schedule actually entails, but foremost without withholding the most playful components, these aspects encompass formative, educational and recreational experiences all at once.

Football Camp

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