2024 Xmas Match: the first Auction Update of 2025
The entire proceeds will go to the Associazione Amici della Pediatria ETS ODV charity
Here's the first update of 2025 for the charity auction of the 26 Atalanta jerseys from the 2024 Christmas Match: the total amount pledged for the special "Christmas" jerseys, created for the Atalanta-Empoli match (a 3-2 victory for the Nerazzurri), the team's last homely game before Christmas and of the 2024 calendar year as well, has reached €31,000. The latest bid update is as of Wednesday, January 1st, at 19:00 CET.
The auction will conclude with the final jersey allocations during the TuttoAtalanta broadcast on Monday, January 13, 2025.
Bids can be placed anytime via SMS to 335.6969423 or by email at asta@bergamotv.it. Bidders may place multiple offers, but each jersey will have a separate winner to allow as many fans as possible to get involved.
Updated bids for all 26 jerseys will be shared on TuttoAtalanta Bergamo TV social media, on the L'Eco di Bergamo website, and here on our own site. The next follow-up will be available on the evening of Thursday 2 January 2025.
Now in its 14th edition, the initiative is organized in collaboration with the regional broadcaster Bergamo TV (channel 15 on digital terrestrial TV and also available via streaming). All proceeds will be donated to the Amici della Pediatria charity through the Atalanta Fund, established by the club with the Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca onlus.
All proceeds will be then devolved to charity in their entirety, on behalf of the Fondo Atalanta (Atalanta trust fund) established at the Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca Onlus (Bergamo Community Foundation) Associazione Amici della Pediatria onlus, which has been supporting the Bergamo hospital since 1990 (now ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII), to create a waiting room named 'Wait & Play' on Hospital Street for all the children who come to the paediatric outpatients' department for treatment, examinations and follow-ups. The waiting time is used to play, which is the child's "work" to grow. The activities offered can be carried out independently, without the presence of professionals or volunteers, experimenting with their own skills and challenging the children present to foster relationships and sociality. Experiencing the hospital by encouraging play highlights the importance of play in a child's life.