Atalanta for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Atalanta for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

All the initiatives arranged by the Club for its Youth Academy thus far

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, celebrated annually on March 21st, Atalanta strengthen its steadfast commitment and pledge to root out racism in any way shape or form, a plight which unfortunately continues to endure in today's society.

As in previous years, several educational initiatives have been organized by the Club for its Youth Sector this season, with the aim of raising awareness among its youngest players on pivotal societal issues, with a keen focus on the fight against racism.

Vivaio | Incontri formazione razzismo  Outraged | Panoramica della sala | 07-01- 2025

As part of the "Outraged project", the Nerazzurri Under-17s Male and Female sides took part to educational joint meetings: the screening of a documentary produced and promoted by UEFA created fertile ground for reflection on the best practices to prevent and eradicate all forms of racial discrimination in football through the insights offered from influential footballing figures. The showing struck a chord in the young athletes, who eagerly took part in group activities designed to foster an anti-racist culture whilst encouraging thoughtful reflection on the matter.

The cover photo and the one above capture the spirit of these activities.

Philadelphia Junior Cup | Centro Bortolotti |06-02-2025

Philadelphia Junior Cup-Keep Racism Out

In February, Atalanta also hosted the opening stage of the Philadelphia Junior Cup-Keep Racism Out, the nationwide youth 7-a-side football competition involving parishes from cities of teams competing in the 2024/25 Serie A. This event further underscored the importance of the fight against racism.

After sparring with their Nerazzurri peers, the Under-13s team from Terno d'Isola, namely the event's guests, held a meet and greet with Atalanta U23s player Alberto Manzoni, the Club's ambassador for the event (see picture above). As the crowning moment of the event, not only did the Bergamo-based parish teams of Fiorano al Serio and S.Tommaso attend the Atalanta v Cagliari game, but they also and foremost took part in an educational session at the Gewiss Stadium on the topic of discrimination.

Visita mixed zone| La Scuola allo Stadio 2024/25 | Appuntamento numero 5 | Gewiss Stadium 21-02-2025

"La scuola allo Stadio"

Furthermore, as a key component of the long-standing Atalanta "La Scuola allo Stadio" project - the initiative annually involving over 2,500 students from schools across Bergamo and its province pictured above - Youth Sector staffing have enshrined an entire session to promote values of fair play, healthy support, and anti-racism as a staple of each educational Gewiss Stadium visit.

InitiativesYouth Academy2024/25 Season
Atalanta – Sito ufficiale Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio